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- Published:
- 13.04.14 / 9am
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Mashatu, Botswana’s Tuli Block

A young male leopard dozes as the sun begins to set
Not so many visitors know about the huge southeast corner of Botswana called the Tuli Block.
It’s known as the ‘Land of Giants’, rightly so, because its star attraction, Mashatu, is a 33 000ha swathe of wilderness, teeming with game and birds of all kinds, with the largest herds of elephants on privately owned land anywhere in the world.

...but occasionally looks up and scans the bush
Mashatu, the largest private game reserve in southern Africa, is at the heart of the proposed Limpopo-Shashe Transfrontier Conservation Area, and shares boundaries with the Tuli Safari Area in neighbouring Zimbabwe and the World Heritage Site of South Africa’s Mapungubwe National Park. It’s here in this corner of Africa that three countries meet – Botswana, Zimbabwe and South Africa.

Spotted hyena with week-old baby
You’ll find an amazing diversity of landscapes here – riverine forests (the Limpopo and Shashe rivers come together here), vlei and marshland, savannah, rocky outcrops and seemingly limitless horizons.
And all of this only just over five hours drive from Johannesburg via Polokwane and Alldays.

A 'journey' of giraffes

A baby elephant inspects our vehicle